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Attendance also called Weekly Academic Contact (WAC) is done a little differently at BVA. Student's attendance is recorded only once per week and counts for the entire week. This contact must be between the student and teacher(s) and have the purpose of instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities.

The easiest and required way for students to make WAC is:

Elementary Grades K-5

  • Attend weekly classroom meeting
  • Attend scheduled check-in meetings

Secondary Grades 6-12

  • Attend weekly advisory class
  • Attend weekly tutoring sessions

If students are not able to meet WAC by attending one of the options above, students can complete the weekly academic survey that classroom teachers (K-5) and advisory teachers (6-12) send out.


Two-way weekly contact with a certificated teacher related to the instructional goals outlined in the WSLP. Contact can be:
  • Direct personal contact, which is one-to-one contact with a teacher. Direct personal contact can be in person or by email, telephone, instant messaging, or interactive video (Zoom).
  • In-person instructional contact, which is face-to-face contact with a teacher in a classroom. In-person instructional contact may be accomplished in a group setting between the certificated teacher and multiple students.
  • Synchronous digital instruction contact, which is real-time communication with a teacher using online, voice, or video communication technology. Synchronous digital instructional contact may be accomplished in a group setting between the teacher and multiple students


Attendance is the number one indicator of student success. At BVA, missing just ONE weekly contact accounts for FIVE (5) school days. Attendance is monitored both consecutive (in a row) AND cumulative (over the school year). Ms. Meyers and the BVA attendance team monitor student attendance weekly have developed a set of steps to help engage students and help remove potential barriers.

Missed Weekly Academic Contact Step Progression:

Week 1: Automated phone call and email to parents

Week 2: A phone call from the attendance team

Week 3: Attendance meeting #1 with the student support team

Week 4: Home visit

Week 5: Grace week to implement interventions

Week 6: Attendance meeting #2 with administration

Week 7: Potential BECCA paperwork filed with Pierce County courts