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Student Support

Classroom Meetings:

Weekly class meetings are held for all students in kindergarten through 5th grade with their classroom teacher and classmates. The purpose of this meeting time is to develop strong relationships with classmates and the teacher. Research shows that when students feel connected to their teachers and peers, students perform better in school. We use the Second Step curriculum to help students learn social-emotional skills. The meetings are also used to give an overview of lessons for the week and to monitor student attendance.

Check-in Meetings:

Students and Learning Coaches are expected to participate in bi-weekly 1:1 check-in meetings with their classroom teacher. The purpose of these meetings is for the teacher to give feedback on student's academic progress. Teachers may also conduct other assessments to monitor student progress. Additionally, this time may be used to reteach or accelerate specific grade-level standards.  These meetings are also used to monitor student attendance.

Individual Appointments:

Students and learning coaches may schedule individual appointments with teachers as needed.