Secondary FAQs
Q: What is BVA?
A: Bethel Virtual Academy is a highly independent K-12 online program, taught by Bethel School District’s certificated teachers. BVA is tuition-free and is part of the Bethel School District. School schedules are flexible and ideal for demanding sports, health, discipline, job, and travel needs.
Q: What does it mean to be a full-time online student with BVA?
A: Students in grades 9-12 should plan on approximately 70 minutes per class per day devoted to school work and will take 5 classes per trimester for a total of 28 hours per week. Students in grades 6-8 should plan on approximately 60 minutes per class per day devoted to school work and will take 6 classes per trimester for a total of 28 hours per week.
Each student will have a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP), and is expected to progress on pace with that plan, students are required to engage in Weekly Academic Contact (WAC’s) with their teachers. Teachers will provide Monthly Academic Progress (MAP’s). Students may at any time reach out to teachers to schedule a time for intervention 1 on 1.
Students can expect the option to communicate with their teachers in a variety of ways. Some examples: 1 on 1 virtual feedback on assignments, recorded video instruction, or small group instruction.
Taking courses through BVA is an option and a privilege. Students who are consistently not making WAC, satisfactory MAP, or who have not had any contact with the school or their teacher for 20 consecutive days, may be unenrolled and transferred back to their “home” school. Students will be checked out a district iPad to access their online classes if they do not already have one checked out to them.
Q: Are all students at BVA full-time?
The majority of the students attending BVA will be considered full-time students, however students enrolled in Running Start or Pierce County Skill Center can take the classes they need outside those programs with BVA.
Q: I completed the form for BVA. Am I signed up?
A: Please call our main office for information on your registration status.
Phone: (253)-800-3100
Q: How does BVA work for students with IEPs?
Q: Can BVA students attend school for extracurricular activities, sports, music classes (band, orchestra, choir), and JROTC?
A: Yes, a BVA student will be allowed to participate in these activities at their resident school as they are available.
Q: If I enroll my student in BVA, does the school provide everything my student needs to learn or will I need to be the one that has to plan what to teach him/her?
A: Currently every student at BVA and in the Bethel School District is provided with an iPad with technical support as needed.
A secondary student will need the support of their parent/ guardians to help them establish a routine for school and monitor their engagement. However, teachers will provide all the instruction necessary for a student to excel.
Q: How do I withdraw my student/s from BVA and back to their neighborhood school?
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