What is BVA?
Bethel Virtual Academy is a highly independent K-12 online program, taught by Bethel School District’s certificated teachers. BVA is tuition-free and is part of the Bethel School District. School schedules are flexible and ideal for demanding sports, health, discipline, job, and travel needs.
Our 24-25 school year application for elementary and secondary is open, and we are reviewing them frequently.
If you have questions, please contact the BVA office below: |
Please email bva_office@bethelsd.org or call 253-800-3100.
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Our Mission
Ensure ALL students learn at grade level or higher.
Our Vision
The staff at BVA commit to building relationships with our students and their families, working together to help students advocate for themselves and to appropriately support students when they need help. BVA staff work with students and families to foster self-directed learning and create individualized learning plans to assist students in achieving their academic and career goals.